We have updated our application forms for MSE Angullia Wakaf Education Grant and the MSE & AMS Angullia Charitable Grants.
The forms can be downloaded from here.
The preferred method of submissions are via this website; completed forms and all supporting documents can be uploaded back and sent to us from this link.
Alternatively you can mail them to our registered mailing address at: PO Box 117, Kitchener Road, Singapore 912004
All applicants are advised to read the form carefully and comply with all documentary requirements prior to submission. Incomplete and late submissions may not be processed.
Closing dates as follows:
- Education Grants – Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, JC, ITE and NITEC
- Submission open from 3rd week December 2019 to 31st January 2020
- Applications received in February will be rejected.
- Payment estimated to be end March 2020
- MSE & AMS Charity Grants
- Submissions open from 15 January to 15 February 2020
- Applications received after above dateline will be rejected.
- Payment estimated to be end of April 2020
- Education Grants – Polytechnic/University/Post Graduate
- Submission open from 3rd week June 2020 to 31st July 2020
- Applications received thereafter will be rejected.
- Payment estimated to be end September 2020